Solskjel Camping
Solskjel Camping has 32 caravanplaces.
Now there is 7 caravans who are standing at this place.
On this idyllic island you can enjoy the good life in peace and quiet with not
so much cartraffic.
The island have roe, deer and elk. A big nice water with deliciously trout. The
sea around the island contains a lot of fisch, cod, salmon ++.
Where is Solskjel?
Solskjel, or Solskjelsøya, is a island who lies in Aure Kommune.
The island are known for many historical vikingbattles from the vikingtime,
among the fight by Harald Hårfagre who collect the Norway to a one unit.
Welcome to Solskjel Camping
-------------------------- Prices in NOK---------------------------
A caravanplace pr. year NOK. 4500,-
+ 8 % vat.
The caravanplace is 15 x 8 m.
Camping - leasing
Caravanplace NOK. 2500.- a week (7 days)
With two bedroms.
1. boat with motor NOK. 1520.- a week (7 days)
Boat with motor.
Price: kr. 220 a day.
We have also ha bigger boat, MS Øyavåg for seafishing.
Price pr. hour nok. 350.- with driver.